

This version adds better support for performing jobs on Aito.

  • There’s a new command optimize-table (<>), which can

    be used to improve query times at the expense of slower writes.

  • Optimize, described above, now runs as a job by default ( This is to avoid timeouts during the operation on non-trivial tables.


This version fixes a validation discrepancy between Aito Core and the SDK. Previously the SDK has allowed creating tables with names containing whitespaces. This is a validation bug, since the validation was performed in a slightly different way, depending on the context.

Now the SDK does no longer allow whitespaces in the names and gives a validation error if the user tries to create a table with an disallowed name.


In this version the data conversions and especially CSV reading have been made more robust and lenient.

Errors regarding large integers have been managed by converting integer fields with out-of-bounds values into string fields. Issues caused by extra commas in CSV are now treated by ignoring the additional commas and issuing a warning in the log.

Schema inference has been improved by inferring String type for the empty columns instead of Decimal type. Schema inference no more fails in situations, where the column contains only whitespaces.


aito.schema package now contains DataSeriesProperties, which is used to infer a column’s Aito datatype. DataSeriesProperties now keeps track of the smallest and the largest value in the series in order to infer a type according to the number bounds:


This version contains changes on how you make requests with the AitoClient. In addition to specifying the request method and endpoint as before, you can now use different Request objects or use the endpoint methods in the API, i.e: aito.api.predict(). The client now returns enriched Response objects instead of JSON as before.

Helper methods of the AitoClient, e.g: create_table, are moved to the aito.api module.

You can now execute requests from the CLI.


  • Schema objects validation in the aito.schema module is improved.

  • Refactored the client into the aito.client subpacakge: - Added the aito.client.requests subpackage which contains Request Classes for the AitoClient. - Added the aito.client.responses subpackage which contains Response Classes returned by the AitoClient. - You can import the AitoClient the same way as before:

    from aito.client import AitoClient

    You can import the request and response classes directly from the subpackage:

    from aito.client import PredictRequest, PredictResponse


  • The AitoClient.request method no longer takes positional arguments. You now have to specify either request_obj or method and endpoint.

  • Both AitoClient and AitoClient.request now have a raise_for_status argument which controls whether the client should raise or return an aito_client.RequestError object when an error occurs during sending a request.

  • Added the aito.AitoClient.async_request method to execute a request asynchronously using aiohttp ClientSession

  • The async_requests method is deprecated, use AitoClient.batch_requests instead.

API functions

  • Helper methods of the AitoClient are moved to the aito.api module. The functions in the api module takes an AitoClient object as the first argument

    from aito.client import AitoClient
    from aito.api import get_database_schema
    client = AitoClient(your_instance_url, your_instance_api_key)
  • Added the endpoint methods to send a query to Aito API Endpoint: search, predict, recommend, evaluate, similarity, match, relate, generic_query

  • Added the following new api functions: create_column, get_column_schema, delete_column, delete_entries, quick_add_table, quick_predict (BETA) and quick_predict_and_evaluate (BETA)


  • Added the following commands to send a query to Aito API Endpoint: search, predict, recommend, evaluate, similarity, match, relate, generic-query

  • Added the create-database command to create database using the Database Schema

  • Removed the –encoding flag in the convert and the infer-table-schema command

  • Beta: Added the quick-predict command to generate an example predict query and evaluate its performance





  • The aito.client module is moved from the sdk subpackage to the main aito package.
    You can now import the AitoClient by:
    from aito.client import AitoClient
    # previously: from aito.sdk.aito_client import AitoClient
  • The data_frame_handler and sql_connection module is moved from the sdk subpackage to the utils subpackage.
    You can now import the DataFrameHandler and SQLConnection by:
    from aito.utils.data_frame_handler import DataFrameHandler
    # previously: from aito.sdk.data_frame_handler import DataFrameHandler
    from aito.utils.sql_connection import SQLConnection
    # previously: from aito.sdk.sql_connection import SQLConnection

New features



  • Removed the database command. All the database operations are now exposed as follows:

    • aito database quick-add-table -> aito quick-add-table

    • aito database create-table -> aito create-table

    • aito database delete-table -> aito delete-table

    • aito database delete-database -> aito delete-database

    • aito database upload-entries -> aito upload-entries

    • aito database upload-file -> aito upload-file

    • aito database upload-data-from-sql -> aito upload-data-from-sql

    • aito database quick-add-table-from-sql -> aito quick-add-table-from-sql

  • Added the following commands:

    • configure: configure your Aito instance

    • get-table: return the schema of the specified table

    • show-tables: show the existing tables in the Aito instance

    • copy-table: copy a table

    • rename-table: rename a table

    • get-database: return the schema of the database

  • Removed dotenv file support (-e flag).


  • Added missing import warnings to Aito client.

  • Updated AitoClient API documentation.


  • AitoClient upload_entries() now accepts generators as well as lists.

  • AitoClient upload_entries_by_batches is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release, use upload_entries() instead.



  • Added a version flag (--version) and verbosity level flags (--verbose and --quiet) to the CLI.

  • The CLI now returns more concise error messages. Use --verbose mode if you want to see the comprehensive error message with stack info.

  • The ODBC driver name for SQL functions is now specified by an environment variable (SQL_DRIVER) or a flag (--driver) instead of a required argument as before. For example:

    $ aito infer-table-schema from-sql --driver "PostgreSQL Unicode" "SELECT * FROM tableName"....

    instead of:

    $ aito infer-table-schema from-sql PostgreSQL Unicode" "SELECT * FROM tableName"....


  • Renamed the utils package to sdk. Please change the import statement accordingly. For example:

    from aito.sdk.aito_client import AitoClient
  • Changes in AitoClient:

    • The class now requires the instance URL (the instance_url argument) instead of the instance name (the `instance_name` argument).

    • Improve error handling to use Aito response error message.

    • Remove the async_same_requests function.

    • Rename the arguments of the async_request function:

      • request_methods -> methods

      • request_paths -> endpoints

      • request_data -> queries

    • async_request now returns errors if some requests failed.

    • Rename the arguments of the request function:

      • req_method -> method

      • path -> endpoint

      • data -> query

    • Rename the following functions:

      • put_table schema -> create_table

      • put_database_schema -> create_database

      • check_table_existed -> check_table_exists

      • populate_table_entries -> upload_entries

      • populate_table_entries_by_batches -> upload_entries_by_batches

      • populate_table_by_file_upload -> upload_binary_file

      • query_table_entries -> query_entries

    • Add upload_file function to upload a file using the its path instead of its file object

    • Add optimize_table function and add optimize option after data upload

    • Add Job related functions: create_job, get_job_status, get_job_result, and job_request

    • Add Query related functions: get_table_size, query_entries, query_all_entries, and download_table


  • Fix a bug when converting or uploading a file in Windows due to tempfile permission

  • Fix a bug that requires conversion between String and Text column

  • Add compatibility with Python 3.7 and 3.8


  • Fix a bug that requires database name for sql_function

  • No longer requires both read-only and read-write key for setting up the credentials.

    (Use AITO_API_KEY instead of AITO_RW_KEY and AITO_RO_KEY)


  • Integration with SQL. You can now infer table schema, upload data,

    quick add table from the result of a SQL query.

Supported database:

  • Postgres

  • MySQL


  • Change client task to database task

  • Requires Aito instance name instead of full URL (use -i flag instead of -u flag)

  • Support tab completion with arg complete


  • Add quick-add-table, create-table, delete-table, delete-databse, list database operation

  • Remove the option to create and use table schema from file-upload

  • Convert always use standard out

  • Improved documentation