
class aito.client.requests.schema_api_request.GetColumnSchemaRequest(table_name: str, column_name: str)

Bases: aito.client.requests.aito_request._GetRequest, aito.client.requests.schema_api_request._ColumnSchemaRequest, aito.client.requests.schema_api_request._SchemaAPIRequest

Request to Get the schema of a column

  • table_name (str) – the name of the table containing the column

  • column_name (str) – the name of the column


make_request(method, endpoint, query)

factory method to return the appropriate request class instance after checking the input endpoint and method :param method: the method of the request :type method: str :param endpoint: the endpoint of the request :type endpoint: str :param query: an Aito query if applicable, optional :type query: Optional[Union[Dict, List]] :return: the appropriate request class intsnace :rtype: AitoRequest




classmethod make_request(method: str, endpoint: str, query: Optional[Union[Dict, List]])aito.client.requests.aito_request.AitoRequest

factory method to return the appropriate request class instance after checking the input endpoint and method :param method: the method of the request :type method: str :param endpoint: the endpoint of the request :type endpoint: str :param query: an Aito query if applicable, optional :type query: Optional[Union[Dict, List]] :return: the appropriate request class intsnace :rtype: AitoRequest


alias of aito.client.responses.schema_api_response.ColumnSchemaResponse