Aito SDK

The Aito SDK consists of:

  • schema: Data structure for the Aito Database Schema

  • client: A versatile client to make requests to an Aito Database Instance

  • client_request: Request objects used in AitoClient request so that you don’t have to worry about the Aito API endpoint

  • client_response: Enriched response objects returned after executing a request with the AitoClient

  • api: Different useful functions that uses an AitoClient object to interact with an Aito Database Instance

  • DataFrameHandler: Utility to read, write, and convert a Pandas DataFrame in accordance to a Aito Table Schema


We highly recommend you to take a look at the quickstart guide to uploading data if you haven’t already.


Before uploading data into Aito, you need to create a table with a AitoTableSchema.

You can infer a table schema from a Pandas DataFrame with infer_from_pandas_data_frame().

You can also create a table schema column-by-column and infer the AitoColumnTypeSchema with infer_from_samples().


The AitoClient offers different functions to send a Request object to your Aito instance.

  • Make a request: request()

  • Make a request asynchronously using AIOHTTP ClientSession: async_request()

  • Bounded asynchronous request with asyncio semaphore: bounded_async_request()

  • Make multiple requests asynchronously: batch_requests()


aito.api module offers different functions that takes a Aito Client object as the first argument


The easiest way to troubleshoot the Aito SDK is by enabling the debug logging. You can enable the debug logging by:

import logging
