Aito CLI

The Aito Command Line Interface (Aito CLI) is an open source tool that enables you to interact with your Aito instance using commands in your command-line shell with minimum setup.

To get started:

$ aito -h
usage: aito [-h] [-V] [-v] [-q]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -V, --version  display the version of this tool
  -v, --verbose  display verbose messages
  -q, --quiet    display only error messages

To see all available commands, you can run:
  aito list

To see the help text, you can run:
  aito -h
  aito <command> -h
  aito <command> <subcommand> -h

Quickstart guide to upload data

Set Up Aito Credentials

Performing operations with your Aito database instance always requires credentials.

There are 3 ways to set up the credentials:

  1. The most convenient way is to use the configure command:

    $ aito configure

When you enter this command, the CLI prompts you for two pieces of information:

  • Your Aito instance URL

  • Your Aito API key

The CLI stores this information in a profile named default in the credentials file. By default, the information in

this profile is used when you run a command that requires credentials.

The credentials file is stored in $HOME/.config/aito/credentials (%UserProfile% in Windows). You can manually edit this credentials file.

You can also specify the named profile with the --profile flag and use the named profile for commands that require credentials.

  1. Set up the following environment variables:

    $ export AITO_INSTANCE_URL=your-instance-url
    $ export AITO_API_KEY=your-api-key

You can now perform commands:

$ aito <command> ...
  1. Using flags:

You can set up the credentials using -i flag for the instance url and -k flag for the api key:

$ aito -i MY_AITO_INSTANCE_URL -k MY_API_KEY <command> ...

Quick Add a Table

Infer a table schema based on the given file, create a table using the file name and upload the file content to the created table:

$ aito quick-add-table path/to/tableEntries.json

Create a Table

Create a table using the given Aito table schema:

$ aito create-table tableName path/to/tableSchema.json

Delete a Table

Delete a table schema and all the data inside it:

$ aito delete-table tableName


This operation is irreversible

Delete the Whole Database

Delete the database’s schema and all data in the instance:

$ aito delete-database


This operation is irreversible

Upload Entries to a Table

Upload entries to an existing table (a table of which schema has been created) in your Aito instance:

$ aito upload-entries tableName < tableEntries.json

Upload a File to a Table

Upload a file to an existing table in your Aito instance:

$ aito upload-file tableName tableEntries.ndjson.gz

infer-table-schema command

The infer-table-schema command helps you to infer a table schema from the input data

Supported input formats:

Infer table schema usage

To see help:

$ aito infer-table-schema -h

The command supports different object for each input format, for instance, specifying the delimiter for csv format. To see help for a specific input format:

$ aito infer-table-schema <input-format> -h

Infer table schema redirection

By default, the command takes standard input and standard output. To redirect:

$ aito infer-table-schema csv < path/to/myFile.csv > path/to/schemaFile.json

Infer Table Schema From Csv

To see help:

$ aito infer-table-schema csv -h


$ aito infer-table-schema csv < path/to/myCSVFile.csv

Infer a table schema from a semicolon delimited csv file:

$ aito infer-table-schema csv -d ';' < path/to/myCSVFile.csv

Infer a table schema from a semicolon delimited comma decimal point csv file:

$ aito infer-table-schema csv -d ';' -p ',' < path/to/myCSVFile.csv

Infer Table Schema From Excel

To see help:

$ aito infer-table-schema excel -h


$ aito infer-table-schema excel path/to/myExcelFile.xlsx


Infer table schema from Excel only take file path instead of stdin

Infer a table schema from a single sheet of an excel file:

$ aito infer-table-schema excel -o sheetName path/to/myExcelFile.xls

Infer Table Schema From JSON

To see help:

$ aito infer-table-schema json -h


$ aito infer-table-schema json path/to/myJSONFile.json

Infer Table Schema From NDJSON

To see help:

$ aito infer-table-schema ndjson -h


$ aito infer-table-schema ndjson path/to/myNDJSONFile.ndjson

convert command

The convert command helps you to convert the input data into JSON or NDJSON for upload or convert the data according to a table schema.

Aito takes JSON array of objects for Inserting multiple entries and a gzip compressed NDJSON file for File upload.

Supported input formats:

Convert usage

To see help:

$ aito convert -h

The command supports different object for each input format, for instance, specifying the delimiter for csv format. To see help for a specific input format:

$ aito convert <input-format> -h

Convert redirection

By default, the command takes standard input and standard output. To redirect:

$ aito convert csv < path/to/myFile.csv > path/to/myConvertedFile.ndjson

Convert to JSON

By default, the command converts the input to the NDJSON format. If you want to convert to the JSON format, use the -j or --json flag:

$ aito convert <input-format> --json ...

Convert and Infer Schema

You can convert the data and infer a table schema at the same time by using the -c or --create-table-schema flag:

$ aito convert <input-format> -c path/to/inferredTableSchema.json ...

Convert Using A Table Schema

You can convert the data to match an existing table schema by using the -s or --use-table-schema flag:

$ aito convert <input-format> -s path/to/tableSchema.json ...

Convert CSV

To see help:

$ aito convert csv -h


$ aito convert csv path/to/myCsvFile.csv > path/to/convertedFile.ndjson

Convert a semicolon delimited csv file:

$ aito convert csv -d ';' < path/to/myCsvFile.csv

Convert a semicolon delimited comma decimal point csv file:

$ aito convert csv -d ';' -p ',' < path/to/myCsvFile.csv

Convert Excel

To see help:

$ aito convert excel -h


$ aito convert excel path/to/myExcelFile.xlsx > path/to/convertedFile.ndjson


Convert from Excel only takes a file path instead of stdin

Convert a single sheet of an excel file:

$ aito convert excel -o sheetName path/to/myExcelFile.xls

Convert JSON

To see help:

$ aito convert json -h


$ aito convert json < path/to/myJSONFile.json > path/to/convertedFile.ndjson

Convert NDJSON

To see help:

$ aito convert ndjson -h


$ aito convert ndjson -j < path/to/myNDJSONFile.ndjson > path/to/convertedFile.json

Tab Completion

The CLI supports tab completion using argcomplete

  • Activate global completion:

    $ activate-global-python-argcomplete
  • If you don’t want to use global completion:

    $ eval "$(register-python-argcomplete aito)"
  • You might have to install python3-argcomplete:

    $ sudo apt install python3-argcomplete
  • Please refer to the argcomplete documentation

Integration with SQL Database

Aito supports integration with your SQL database. To enable this feature, please follow the instructions here